"We all have a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be." JA

Find musings on Perfecting Pao

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mr. G goes shopping...

So the other day, Mr. G (my boyfriend, also known as my very own Colonel Brandon for you Austen fans), calls me from Kay jewelers. Now, we all know that I have an almost across-the-board aversion to chain jewelry stores (at least we all should). But poor Mr. G was trying to find one of my infinitely coveted but entirely impossible things: the floating diamond pendant. You know, the ones that hang right above your collar bone. Sort of like this one:

So I guess I must be mentioning it a lot, because the poor darling went out and looked for it. The only thing is, in the background, I could hear the attendant helping him. It sounded like MC Hammer. But bigger. I knew then that the quest had been stopped dead in its tracks. I knew MC Hammer would never understand the delicate intricacies of a floating diamond pendant. That search continues. Mr. G promised to take me to Tiffany's to peruse their stock...will update!

Now, readers, I must relate the following anecdote. Around two nights ago I was surfing the web with my Bunny. All of a sudden, out of nowhere I swear, he says in the most annoyed but sincere tone: "Ok, but can we look at rings now". Reader, you guessed it.

I stopped dead in my tracks.

Could this be it? Could the time be imminent? What do you think readers? What are some of your ring pics?
Here are some of mine...

Share some of yours!


  1. Hey Ana!
    Such exciting news!! I really like the first one, although I'm more of a princess cut, but the first one is lovely! So glad to hear you made it all the way Notre Dame, always knew you'd make it big :) I look forward to reading your blogs!

    Old bus friend,

    Karina :)

  2. You know, Pao...they always say that the person who catches the bouquet... ;)
